Monday 15 August 2011

My second play day

Friday 12th August was play day 2 and I was determined to get essay 3 out of 5 of my unit 3 homeopathy course done!

So as soon as Paul had left the house I sat myself at the dining room table in my PJs and tackled the last few pages of a very dry text book. I gave myself a time limit and the promise of a bacon sandwich. It worked- hoorah! A good start.

Then I found my break for getting dressed and tidying the house took quite a little bit longer than planned. Oh no, I felt really worried that I was going to fail the task I'd set myself for the day. I still really wanted to get the essay done so that I could have the rest of the weekend off. Keep focused I told myself and adjusted my plan for the day which really gave me hope that I could still achieve it. I just needed to get my head down. So I did.

A couple of hours later I'd read 30 pages, half a chapter, of another much less dry book but still felt I was getting no where fast. I started to think about getting the essay written rather than finishing all the set reading. Naughty naughty!! So I had a break, (yes it was on my plan!), to run some errands. Much to my disappointment I was late getting started again! Oh no. How rubbish.

So I adjusted the plan for a second time and still saw that I could still make it. Even with completing the reading. I couldn't help myself but finish the reading anyway as I hate missing out on things.

Sure enough by the skin of my teeth I finished the whole essay by the end of the day. I learnt that a plan really does work. Even a flexible one. I knew where I was with the big picture and also had the satisfaction of ticking off each of the smaller tasks throughout the day. It stopped me from worrying about not finishing and actually egged me on every step of the way.

Phew!! Cinderella will go to the ball.

My first play day

Those of you that keep an eye on Facebook will have seen my post about avoiding distractions on my first play day. I'd drawn up a rough plan for my play day Fridays before they even started. This was to make sure when it came to it that I didn't put things off. You'll all remember sitting down to study at uni. You get your books out, find some paper and a pen. You read the question or work task and think, I'll just get a cup of tea. Once you are back to your desk with your tea you find your mind wandering and before you know it your internet browser is on the student union site rather than the library reserving system.

So my play day plan means I do some 'allotted' personal tasks during the day, such as pilates and food shopping, knowing that I'll still get the required amount of true play day tasks completed too.

On that first Friday I turned on the TV to start my pilates DVD at the time it said on my play day plan. What did I find but Lorraine smiling out at me with the tempting fashion feature of Autumn style. Oooh, it was so hard to stay focused on turning on the DVD player but I managed it. How did I manage it? I managed it because I was sooooo scared that if I slipped on my first day to something as dangerous as morning TV that I would be a soft touch from then on.

How mundane is morning TV really anyway? If you're unfortunate to be sick enough to have more than 2 days off work then you really do change your perspective on how nice it would be to stay in bed or lie on the sofa instead of going to work. But one day a week at home with difficult essay questions and I could be on shaky ground. So I'm proud to say I nipped it in the bud. Yippee for me!! Hopefully that's challenge one over and I'm as strong every Friday.

Monday 1 August 2011

Hello readers

After I'd written my first entry here last Wednesday, I posted a link on Facebook. I have to admit I was quite nervous broadcasting the blog so openly to family, friends and colleagues like that. I wasn't sure if I was ready but it worked out to be just what I needed. I got so many lovely comments and people were really interested and encouraging. So thank you to you all.

Big thanks especially to Alroy - my first follower and to Claire for reminding me that a blog isn't just for Christmas. Here's to many more blog entries, facebook posts and followers!

This weekend I read chapter one of a book by John Williams called 'Screw Work Let's Play'. It was really interesting as it made me think so differently. What stuck out for me was 'Myth 4. 'I can't do what I want to do without long expensive training'. It suggests you should just decide what experience it is that you are most drawn to from a dream job and just get on with it. Find time to free up and live your dream through whatever time you can spare.

I've already gone to the next stage he suggests by working up to having a play day. As you already know, mine will be Friday and I've been planning to use it to throw myself into complementary therapy by completing my homeopathy reading and essay writing. The book has also encouraged me to read around my chosen 'experience'. So I've also joined the Society of Homeopaths and have booked tickets to camexpo, The Complementary, Natural & Integrated Healthcare Show in October. Both the show and the society membership will help me find out what's going on in the industry which hiding at home studying won't.

When October comes and my Reflexology course starts I'll join the Association of Reflexologists too.

I wonder what the next chapter is all about. Maybe I can squeeze some reading in now. Bye for now.