Friday 28 October 2011


I checked out the complementary healthcare event at Earls Court last weekend. Part of the play philosophy is to take part or read widely about the area of work you are looking to try out next. So this fitted the bill perfectly.

There was a great exhibition with plenty of therapists and product offerings to check out as you strolled around. I was amazed about how many different balms and potions and lotions there were to try out. The ones that impressed me were nikki's balms, The Aromatherapy Company and NYR Organic (Neal's Yard Remedies). I can't wait to try out all their products on my reflexology clients.

I  also popped along to Gill Tree's, (Essentials for Health), seminar on how to be a successful therapist. She was so enthusiastic and passionate about professionalisn and how that can ensure people's perceptions of you are good enough that they will choose to come and visit you rather than your competitors.

Gill gave us 10 essentials to follow:
1. Business planning - spend one third of your time planning and marketing your business
2. Positive thinking - have total belief in yourself and pictorise your vision to share it with other people
3. Do work that suits your personality
4. Get great PR - it launches your company as it's an independent view. Offer an editor a free treatment.
5. Great marketing skills - get that elevator pitch ready
6. Be a specialist - find a niche market so that people come to you rather than someone else and know that your treatment is worth a try
7. Become known in the industry through your track record or by being a trendsetter
8. Be professional with a great website and outstanding service
9. Decide on your usp - be a cut above the rest
10. Get a mentor - which of course Gill's company essentials for health can provide.

Check out

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